Today Diego found a crack rock in a little baggy in our parking lot.
I am living in a warehouse space where Brian from Lightning Bolt leaves us notes saying "your dog shit in my room, please clean it up"
There was a noise show in my room last week and beer spilled everywhere.
i am subleting christopher "kites" room until october 17th but hopefully will move before then.
I joined the providence philharmonic community orchestra so play the bass every monday night in a middle school gymnasium.
i am still unemployed but started a book club and am currently reading "The Fall" by Camus (each person suggests a book they want to read, this was not my suggestion but after 100 pages in I am pysched).
As a college dropout my life thusfar has been a drag except Im getting paid 400 bucks to play a show in williams and some record label wants to re-release my album which has only sold like 150 copies or some shit but they have an international distributor which is sweet they distributed mums first album or something whatever man i'm tired but have gatorade which means regardless i will feel good in the morning even if i have to pee throughout the night. here are some pictures of me in my room!!