Thursday, April 17, 2008

improper grammar can really make a girl sound crazy

i'm on tour so i eat pizza

trying to sleep on the hardwood floor is a hard time comin
i took a nap with my head on the kitchen table over a cross word puzzle book.

yesterday the man at the bus station asked if i was attacked by a dog and someone else wondered if i was a chef. pretty fascinating reactions but i never have a good response -- man i would never ask a stranger and would never ask a friend in public -- like hey man whats all over you? (out to breakfast my first day back)

before i left he pulled down my pants and said i want to kiss you maybe it would make you less anxious on the plane i got out of the bed after that while he writes love letters to girls excusing the correspondence as just for fun for make believe what an asshole good thing i left again

we watched a heartbreaking documentary on townes van zandt tonight after the show. it was tragic and worrisome.

ive got the blues blue like a robins egg

the giraffes here circle their necks round and round because they dont even have room to pace
mike showed me on his camera phone and i played it over and over again
we might go and see it because its free: the most depressing zoo in the world, welcome to the chicago world fair